Why Tiny Start-Ups Can Still Beat The Big Guys
The Secret Of Being Small
With today’s economy being what it is, it’s hard to be a small business.
There are so many giant companies that have taken over the market, and if you’re a small business owner, you have to be extra cautious.
Today, we are going to discuss how tiny start-ups can still beat the big guys!
The big companies definitely have many advantages on their side, but you’ve got to use your advantages if you want to beat them.
Why Tiny Start-Ups Can Still Beat The Big Guys
They Have Much Flexibility
Many advantages come with being a small business. First of all, your start-up costs are much lower than that of larger corporations.
You’re not going to have to spend much money on research, and you don’t have to spend much money on building factories.
You have all the time in the world to experiment with different products and figure out what will work best.
For example, Apple Computer was a tiny start-up initially, and they had no idea what they were doing.
They were just a few college drop-outs who thought that they could make computers.
If Apple had waited until they knew everything there was to know about computers before trying to launch their company, then we would have never gotten the iPhone.
Similarly, Google started as a tiny start-up on a hand-me-down computer. They didn’t start out knowing everything there is to know about search engines and advertising, but they saw an opportunity when no one else did and took it.
If they had been afraid of making mistakes, then Google would never have been possible.
They Have Much Time
Time is another advantage that comes with being a tiny start-up. Time is essential for any business because it helps you learn new things to build better products.
It also helps you grow as an individual, not get lost in your own company, and forget what life is like outside your business.
In addition to this, time can be used as a weapon against the bigger corporations because when you have time on your hands, you can put together better products faster.
When Google launched, they had only been in business for 2 years. They had much time to figure out what they were doing, and that was why they could make such a big impact on the world.
If they had taken much longer, then somebody else would have come up with the idea first.
They Have Many Skills
Another advantage that comes with being a tiny start-up is that your founders know everything about your company.
They know what all of your employees are doing and how everything works because they were there from the beginning.
Big companies don’t have that advantage because it takes so long for them to get everyone on the same page, and usually, by then, it’s already too late.
While big companies take forever to make changes or figure out what is wrong in their company, tiny start-ups can nip problems in the bud right away because their founders know exactly what is going on inside their company.
When you run a huge corporation like General Electric or Google, it’s straightforward to get lost in the shuffle because everybody has their own job to do.
It’s much harder for you to keep track of everyone individually when there are thousands of employees.
They Don’t Need As Many Resources
When you run a big company, you need many resources to get things done. You’ve got to have a huge building, and you have to hire a bunch of people.
It’s costly for you to stay in business, but when you are a tiny start-up, all you basically need is some office space and the people that work for you.
Smaller companies usually don’t need as much money either, which means they can make decisions more quickly than big companies can.
This is why tiny start-ups have the advantage because they can adapt faster than their competition!
They Can Do More For Less
When you run a big company, it’s easy to get lazy because you have so many people working for you.
You don’t have to do as much work because your employees are doing it for you. However, when you are a tiny start-up, you don’t have anyone else to rely on.
You’ve got to do everything yourself, which is why your business will thrive because there is no way your company will ever get lazy if there is no one else around to do the work for you.
This is why big companies can never compete with tiny start-ups!
They Have Much Luck
Finally, tiny start-ups usually make it because they were just in the right place at the right time.
The founders of Apple were just in the right place at the right time when they came up with the idea of a computer that everyone could afford.
They weren’t great businessmen or computer scientists or anything like that. They just had an idea and wanted to see if they could make it happen, and they did!
Google was in the right place at the right time when they came up with their search engine idea. It was something that no one else had thought of, and they were able to do it before anyone else did.
If you are a tiny start-up and you see an opportunity like this, then you have to go for it because it’s not going to last forever!
You never know when someone will come along and steal your idea for themselves. If there is a chance that you can make something happen, then you’ve got to do it before someone else does!
Tiny start-ups can beat big companies because they have all of the advantages of being a small business. In addition to this, they don’t have to worry about making mistakes because there is no one around to judge them.
They also don’t have to worry about getting lazy because there is no one else around them who can do the work for them. Big businesses will never be able to compete with these advantages.
Do you think that if you are a tiny start-up, you can beat big companies?
Leave a comment and tell me what you think!
About the Author
I am the Founder of Cudy Technologies (www.cudy.co), a full-stack EdTech startup helping teachers and students learn better. I am also a mentor and angel investor in other Startups of my other interests (Proptech, Fintech, HRtech, Ride-hailing, C2C marketplaces, and SaaS). You can also find me on Cudy for early-stage Startup Founder mentorship and advice.
You can connect with me on Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexanderlhk) and let me know that you are a reader of my Medium posts in your invitation message.